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Conference Themes: The Action Exchange

Unclogging the Blockages is about action. The action exchange was organized according to several themes (several are listed below) with experts from each of these subject areas presenting and leading small group discussions with their peers on what are the main challenges and barriers for moving forward. After these initial discussions, the challenges …

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The sub-regional conference formally launched the project (RETA 8060) "Promoting Innovations in Wastewater Management in Asia and the Pacific". The list of delegates was comprised of a mixture of government executives, wastewater industry practitioners and private sector representatives from the following countries: Philippines, Viet Nam, Indonesia, Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, Mongolia and …

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Emergency camp’s sanitation infrastructure is often inadequate and the risks to people’s health become extreme. Governments, NGOs and Humanitarian organisations are fully aware of these problems and the fact that the basic pit latrine design has not been improved upon in decades which aggravated those problems even more.
This is especially applicable for camps packed with tens of thousands …

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The 2-days workshop "Identifying gaps in emergency sanitation - Design of new kits to increase effectiveness in emergencies" took place in Stoutenburg, the Netherlands from 22-23 Feb 2011.

As a response to insufficient sanitation solutions deployed in the emergency situations, emergency and sanitation practitioners from different key organisations came together in Stoutenburg to discuss on how …

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The threatening shortage of phosphorus – a key component of fertilisers – is crucial for the world’s food supplies. Phosphorus is an essential nutrient for all plants and animals. It is also one of the three key components (together with nitrogen and potassium) of fertilisers, and therefore crucial for the world’s food supply system. Phosphorus shortage will be one of the most pressing …

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Die konventionellen Systeme der Abwasserbehandlung sind seit Jahrzehnten ein Garant für eine erfolgreiche Hygienevorsorge und saubere Umwelt in Deutschland. Jedoch hat sich in den vergangenen Jahren gezeigt, dass diese Systeme nur unflexibel auf die Anforderungen in Bezug auf Klima- und Ressourcenschutz reagieren können. Ein Paradigmenwechsel in der Siedlungswasserwirtschaft hin zu …

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The language of this event was German.
Die Veranstaltung soll die auf dem Sektorgespräch "Sanitärversorgung" am 12. Dezember 2008 im BMZ initiierten Diskussionen vertiefen helfen und insbesondere verstärkte Aufmerksamkeit auf die Bereiche semizentrales und dezentrales Abwassermanagement lenken. Hierbei soll Stand der Technik sowie neuere Entwicklungen in beiden Bereichen fokussiert auf den …

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The SuSanA workshop aimed at capacity building for the Water Supply and Sanitation Authorities (WSSA) from seven towns in Tanzania which participate in the program called „Seven Towns Upgrading Program“ financed by the EU water facility and KfW (grant financed). This program is contracted out by the Tanzanian Ministry of Finance and managed by the Ministry of Water and Irrigation. It covers …

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Two ecosan workshops in Kenya, "ecosan Capacity Development Workshop" in Ugunja and "ecosan Vision workshop" in Nairobi, were organised and financed by the GTZ Program on sustainable sanitation - ecosan and the facilitating consultants Laura Kraft (freelance), Martin Wafler, Johannes Heeb (both seecon gmbh, Switzerland) and Ms. Pradnya Thakur (Ecosan Services Foundation, India). The main aim was …

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Two ecosan workshops in Kenya, "ecosan Capacity Development Workshop" in Ugunja and "ecosan Vision workshop" in Nairobi, were organised and financed by the GTZ Program on sustainable sanitation - ecosan and the facilitating consultants Laura Kraft (freelance), Martin Wafler, Johannes Heeb (both seecon gmbh, Switzerland) and Ms. Pradnya Thakur (Ecosan Services Foundation, India). The main aim was …

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The 3rd International Dry Toilet Conference was held in Tampere, Finland, on 12-15 August 2009 and was organised by the Global Dry Toilet Association of Finland in cooperation with Tampere University of Technology, University of Tampere and Tampere University for Applied Sciences.

184 delegates from 47 countries gathered together to discuss various aspects of dry/ecological sanitation.The main …

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From 14-17 October 2008, the German Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) convened the international symposium on “Coupling Sustainable Sanitation and Groundwater Protection” in Hannover, Germany, in order to highlight the immense problems of groundwater pollution due to absent or inadequate sanitation facilities in developing countries.

Together with international …

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Habitat is a United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development held every 20 years. The 3rd conference took place in Quito, Ecuador on 17th to 20th October. Facing the fact that this century will see a substantial majority of the world’s population living in urban centers, the focus of Habitat III Conference was the adoption of a New Urban Agenda — an action-oriented …

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Economic evidence on the cost and benefits of sanitation and drinking-water supply supports higher
allocation of resources and selection of efficient and affordable interventions. The study aim is to
estimate global and regional costs and benefits of sanitation and drinking-water supply interventions to
meet the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) target in 2015, as well as to attain universal …

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The establishment of SDG 6, Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all, reflects the increased attention on water and sanitation issues in the global political agenda. The 2030 Agenda lists rising inequalities, natural resource depletion, environmental degradation and climate change among the greatest challenges of our time. It recognizes that social …

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The main objective of this paper is to review the literature on and compare the lifecycle costs of full sanitation chain systems in developing cities of Africa and Asia. Overall, financial cost reporting methodologies have been inconsistent and many studies only focus on capital costs or do not report cost data on desludging, transport and treatment. In addition, a comparative analysis of raw …

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Globally, investments concentrate on the construction of infrastructure (capital expenditure) with insufficient attention on the systems needed to make the water and sanitation infrastructure function properly: regulations, policies, monitoring, institutions and the people that provide WASH services at regional, district and municipal levels. The lack of non-capital expenditure and support for …

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Since 2017, SNV and the Government of Tanzania have been implementing the Sustainable Sanitation and Hygiene for All (SSH4A) programme in eight Tanzanian districts. To date, the number of households that use toilets has increased to 90%. In the period March–April 2019, SNV Tanzania undertook a household survey in the eight project districts to identify the 10% of households still practising …

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Due to the lack of investment in a proper sanitation system in the Philippines - including sewage collection and treatment - close to 20% of the population (approx. 20 million) suffer from inadequate access to sanitation and 9 million rely on unsafe water sources. Additionally, a significant portion of the population is resorting to open defecation (6 million) as a negative coping mechanism, …

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Bansberia is a town in the Hooghly district of West Bengal, India. Bansberia Municipality was the nerve centre of “Saptagram”, a port city, famous for its inland and foreign trades with Europe since 17th Century. It is rich in its heritage and tradition and has a number of historical sites such as Hanseswari Temple and Zafar Khan Ghazi Mosque and Dargah. (BM, 2015).

All households are …

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Kalpetta is a town and a municipality in the Wayanad district, of Kerala, India. It is the headquarters of Wayanad district as well as the headquarters of Vythiritaluk. It is a bustling town surrounded by dense coffee, tea plantations and hills (KM, 2015).
Apart from being the administrative capital of the district, Kalpetta is also the centre of tourism, as it is currently located within the …

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Kannur, also known by its English name Cannanore, is a city in Kannur district, state of Kerala, India. It is the administrative headquarters of the Kannur district and situated 518 km north of the state capital Thiruvananthapuram. Kannur is famous for its pristine beaches, Theyyam (its native performing art), and its handloom industry. Kannur Municipal Corporation (KMC) is the largest urban …

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The purpose of this document is to provide practical guidance in preparedness, assessment, program design, implementation and monitoring related to Market-Based Programming (MBP) in humanitarian WASH assistance, and more specifically on:

• How to identify linkages between markets and WASH services & goods;
• How market based programming can complement and improve WASH programming;
• …

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The recycling of organic residues into compost has a number of advantages. It avoids the wasting valuable organic material to landfills and reduces associated emissions to water, soil and air. It generates a product that contributes to long-term soil quality, as compost contains a high amount of stabilised organic matter. Finally, compost may also reduce the need for artificial fertilisers, as it …

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In Portuguese:
Motivado por incessantes questionamentos acerca da atual situação do saneamento rural no Brasil, devido à falta de um saneamento adequado, e suas conseqüências para o meio ambiente, saúde e segurança alimentar, o projeto propõe estabelecer uma alternativa sustentável de esgotamento sanitário. O objetivo do projeto é buscar opções para a correta destinação dos …

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  • 02-09-2024Dr. Nasser Tuqan,Elise Mann :
    Bridging Borders: The Role of Climate-Resilient Sanitation in Global Peace and Sustainability »
  • 22-07-2024Andy Narracott:
    Breaking the Myths: Common Misconceptions About Safely Managed Sanitation »
  • 05-07-2024Lourdes Valenzuela:
    Brasilia June 2024: SIRWASH Dialogues: Public Policies for Economic Accessibility to Rural Water and Sanitation Services in the Context of Latin American and Caribbean Countries »
  • 11-06-2024 Ann Thomas:
    Nature Calls – why sanitation is the logical starting point for fighting climate change »
  • 07-05-2024Jeremy Kohlitz,Kaiea Ribanataake Awira,Ngaouea Neemia:
    Can Kiritimati become a model circular economy society? Water and sanitation as potential entry points »
  • 26-03-2024Alice Brandt ,Mascha Kaddori:
    Let’s get wild: Water, sanitation and hygiene at the human-wildlife interface »
  • 21-03-2024Tabeer Riaz:
    Empowering Young Women Water Professionals in South Asia: Leading the Wave of Change »

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