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The Aquaya Institute is conducting research on urban sanitation economics under the Urban Sanitation Research Initiative. This brief is on sanitation policies, practices, and preferences in the city of Rangpur, Bangladesh.


• In Rangpur, the majority of low-income residents use lined pit latrines, but would prefer pour-flush toilets.
• Most low-income areas have sandy soil, …

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Improving access to safe and affordable sanitation facilities is a global health priority that is essential for
meeting the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals. To promote the use of improved sanitation in rural and low-income settings, plastic latrine slabs provide a simple option for upgrading traditional pit latrines. The International Finance Corporation/World Bank Selling …

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The MOOC series “Sanitation, Water and Solid Waste for Development” is an open-access eLearning program of Sandec/Eawag. It consists of four courses, which have reached more than 80'000 participants. The courses are available for free and constantly running on the learning platform Coursera. All video lectures are also on YouTube.

Please find further information on the webpage given below.

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Das Konzeptpapier beschäftigt sich mit der zentralen Frage der Messung von kurz-, mittel- und langfristigen Wirkungen von entwicklungspolitischen Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung der Lebenssituation und Perspektive von Menschen.
Es zeigt entwicklungspolitische und konzeptionelle Hintergründe und Trends auf, vertieft nationale und internationale Ansätze und Empfehlungen im Bereich Monitoring und …

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Investing in the nutrition of children is crucial if countries are to nurture the human capital necessary for social and economic development. Improvements in water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services are critical for the success of such investments. Our research in Cambodia, Ethiopia and Madagascar reveals opportunities and pathways for combining WASH and nutrition efforts to better tackle …

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The 23rd meeting of the UK’s Sanitation Community of Practice was held on the 14th of June 2019 at the University of Sheffield. The aim of the event was to discuss the importance and potentials of capacity building as an integral part of sanitation service delivery. Students from the University of Sheffield presented their group work assessing municipal capacity building approaches in Ghana, …

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In this report, we explore the question of how scarce public resources can be used most effectively to achieve
universal delivery of WSS services. To inform our discussion, we analyze subsidies in the sector, including
their magnitude, their efficacy in achieving their policy objectives, and the implications of poor design. We then provide guidance to policy makers on how subsidies can be …

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Three large new trials of unprecedented scale and cost, which included novel factorial designs, have found no effect of basic water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) interventions on childhood stunting, and only mixed effects on childhood diarrhea. Arriving at the inception of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, and the bold new target of safely managed water, …

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Sanitation has become a critical issue in the cities today. Ever growing population in the cities
has made it difficult to provide quality service to all its citizens. Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM),
the national flagship programme is dedicated to the improvement of sanitation condition in the
country. Ministry is extending technical and financial assistance to ULBs for improving …

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Access to water and sanitation in spheres of life beyond the household, particularly in public spaces, is an essential element of the human rights to water and sanitation. However, service provision and monitoring are often neglected in such places. As a result, potential violations of human rights occur frequently and disproportionately impact persons that live in vulnerable situations, such as …

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Archived newsletters of the regular electronic news bulletin from the sustainable sanitation projects. These newsletters were sent to subscribed members involved in initiatives and projects in the field of sanitation.
Discusses news, publications, books, studies, conferences, online information, and events

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This newsletter will provide you with a set of updates from the GIZ bilateral water and sanitation programmes in Africa, Asia, MENA and Latin America as well as a selection of news from other sustainable sanitation projects worldwide.

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Selected sanitation projects from different parts of the world were requested to report on how SuSanA had influenced the work carried out. This resulted in a variety of evidence indicating that SuSanA can have a far-reaching effect providing expertise, convenor of meetings, a source of online information, networked contacts, discussion platform and a place to disseminate reports and …

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The aims of this factsheet are to:

1. Advocate for sustainable WinS globally as anchored in the SDGs;
2. Highlight key solutions to existing challenges within WinS;
3. Explore various innovations and successful approaches using examples from low and middle income countries and outline best practice approaches and lessons learnt;
4. Identify the common principles that are needed to …

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The 9th Emergency Environmental Health Forum took place from 18th -19th 2019 in Geneva, Switzerland. It brought together water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) experts. The forum provided an opportunity to exchange recent field experiences and explore innovative approaches amongst over 110 attendees and discuss ways for future action and interventions for WASH in emergencies.

EEHF 2019 …

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Emotional demonstrations (emo-demos) are used in behaviour-centred design to trigger behaviour changes, such as handwashing with soap, by creating disgust and shame.
Through the Sustainable Sanitation and Hygiene For All (SSH4A) programme, vaccination centres in villages were found to be an ideal place to raise awareness of the importance of washing hands with soap among pregnant women, mothers …

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The sustainability of open defecation free (ODF) status in rural areas where toilets frequently collapse is a global concern.
In Tanzania, SNV has developed an innovative approach called Jirani sanitation groups (JSGs). 'Jirani' means neighbour and the approach is based on community support; if a toilet collapses another can be built with the help of neighbours.

This case study presents the …

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The CSF-Lusaka project supports its implementing partners in the use of Shit Flow Diagrams (SFDs) to better understand and illustrate the sanitation situation in Lusaka City, the capital of Zambia. In 2018, a number of SFD reports were prepared, covering Lusaka City as a whole and looking into peri-urban areas or specific aspects of the Lusaka Sanitation Programme. This brochure provides an …

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Where conventional sanitation is out of reach, old methods paired with new science can get human waste safely back in the ground, with environmental benefits and more. A project in Haiti is leading the way for cities without sewers.

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It seems people these days can’t stop talking about periods. From derision by presidential candidates, to taboo-breaking Instagrammers and marathoners, menstruation is no longer in the closet. The Society for Menstrual Cycle Research (SMCR) has been building the evidence base and articulating menstruation’s role in health and well-being for over 40 years. SMCR was the first multidisciplinary …

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Addressing urban sanitation requires a concurrent focus on both infrastructure and service delivery systems. Where on-site sanitation is the main type of sanitation, as in the programme cities, a focus on safe faecal sludge management was required. Regular emptying of on-site containment systems is a key service delivery challenge that provides an entry point for improving urban sanitation …

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This study provides an assessment of the global costs of meeting the WASH-related targets of SDG 6. The targets assessed include achieving universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water for all (target 6.1), achieving access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all, and ending open defecation (target 6.2). The estimates include 140 countries, or 85% of the …

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This report examines innovative financing mechanisms that can help attract new financial resources into water and sanitation services (WSS ). A particular focus is placed on mobilising market-based repayable financing (such as loans, bonds and equity) as a way of bridging the financial gap to meet the Millennium Development Goals and other crucial sector objectives. The Camdessus and Gurria …

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Urban population growth in many developing countries outpaces gains in improved sanitation access and services. In such circumstances, the traditional approach to urban sanitation, premised on extending sewerage networks and building wastewater treatment (WWT) plants, will not be sufficient to deliver citywide sanitation services for all. Alternative approaches are needed to deliver adequate and …

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  • 02-09-2024Dr. Nasser Tuqan,Elise Mann :
    Bridging Borders: The Role of Climate-Resilient Sanitation in Global Peace and Sustainability »
  • 22-07-2024Andy Narracott:
    Breaking the Myths: Common Misconceptions About Safely Managed Sanitation »
  • 05-07-2024Lourdes Valenzuela:
    Brasilia June 2024: SIRWASH Dialogues: Public Policies for Economic Accessibility to Rural Water and Sanitation Services in the Context of Latin American and Caribbean Countries »
  • 11-06-2024 Ann Thomas:
    Nature Calls – why sanitation is the logical starting point for fighting climate change »
  • 07-05-2024Jeremy Kohlitz,Kaiea Ribanataake Awira,Ngaouea Neemia:
    Can Kiritimati become a model circular economy society? Water and sanitation as potential entry points »
  • 26-03-2024Alice Brandt ,Mascha Kaddori:
    Let’s get wild: Water, sanitation and hygiene at the human-wildlife interface »
  • 21-03-2024Tabeer Riaz:
    Empowering Young Women Water Professionals in South Asia: Leading the Wave of Change »

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Shit flow diagrams, excreta flow diagrams (310 SFDs worldwide)

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