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يسعى هذا التقرير لمحاكاة المناقشة الاكثر إلحاحا حول تطوير منهج أفضل لمساعدة الاشخاص في المناطق الحضرية الذين تأثروا بالنزاع المسلح الممتد. ويضم البحث ً الحالي مع تجربة اللجنة الدولية التي تزيد عن ثالثة عقود في المناطق …

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This article is a synthesis of experience operating mechanical dewatering equipment and vetting tens of technologies. The article includes comparative costs as well as design and operational considerations. The views on the benefits and potential challenges associated with deploying mechanical dewatering technologies are also presented.

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Since 2016, significant progress has been made in ensuring Water Sanitation and Hygiene services (WinS) in Indonesia. The Ministry of Education (MoEC) published a WinS SDG profile and WinS Roadmap in 2017. The WinS SDG profile set the baseline for some of the indicators of SDG target 4.a.1: proportion of school with access to: (e) basic drinking water; (f) single-sex basic sanitation facilities; …

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Historically, interventions to provide people with safe water have focussed on improving water sources. However there is now a consensus among the WatSan community that even if the drinking water source is safe it can easily be re-contaminated during its transportation and storage in the household (Clasen and Bastable, 2003). A safe water intervention should therefore begin with an improved water …

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Female asylum seekers and refugees face challenges in access to Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) care and face disproportionate outcomes. Menstrual Health Management (MHM) has also been noted as a concern, particularly relating to a lack of knowledge and access to appropriate management methods. Implications for poor MHM are wide reaching, but there is little data relating to MHM and female …

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n order to achieve the MDGs for water supply in Zambia, an additional 2.85 million residents of low-income areas need to gain access to safe and reliable water. During the national stakeholder consultation process that followed the MDG process, the Zambian government and cooperation partners emphasised that, in order to reach this goal, about one million more people should be served by …

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WoMena Uganda in collaboration with several partners (Marie Stopes Uganda, Welthungerhilfe, private pharmacies, Ruby Life, and HUE Experiential) conducted the Menstrual Cup Market Accessibility Project in Uganda to integrate menstrual cup (MC) distribution and 6 payment models into service delivery and evaluate the models in terms of effectiveness and feasibility. Results indicate that the most …

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Gert Sibande College is a Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Institution, situated in Mpumalanga, South Africa. The college offers nationally certified training programs that are unit standard based and SAQA approved. Qualified and competent staff is available to give relevant education and training in Educational Programs which aim to enable learners to lead productive lives and …

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In 2015, after a decade of approaching rural sanitation by subsidizing latrine construction with minimal results, the Government of Senegal launched a new strategy for rural sanitation defined by a transfer of responsibility for the acquisition of sanitation services to communities. This created an opportunity for market-based approaches for increased sanitation outcomes. In line with this …

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The fourth edition of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Guidelines for drinking-water quality (GDWQ) builds on over 50 years of guidance by WHO on drinking-water quality, which has formed an authoritative basis for the setting of national regulations and standards for water safety in support of public health.

It is the product of significant revisions to clarify and elaborate on ways of …

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The Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC) established the Global Sanitation Fund (GSF) in 2008. Since then, it has supported sanitation at scale through collective behaviour change in 13 countries in Africa and Asia. In 2016, it initiated a learning process to identify and analyse key factors impacting on equality and non-discrimination (EQND) within the 13 GSF-supported …

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Design Tools for Engineers for wastewater treatment to be used in conjunction with SuSanA's Practitioner's Tool (see link below).

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Previous blinded trials of household water treatment interventions in low-income settings have failed to detect a reduction in child diarrhoea. Technological advances have enabled the development of automated in-line chlorine dosers that can disinfect drinking water without electricity, while also allowing users to continue their typical water collection practices. We aimed to …

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This ten year sanitation strategy for rural areas in India, prepared by the Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation (DDWS), Ministry of Jal Shakti, Government of India, in consultation with State Governments and other stakeholders, lays down the framework for achieving this long term vision. The strategy is intended to guide, local governments, policy makers, implementers and all relevant …

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This FRESH webinar will Introduce a costing tool to calculate the budget need for schools to provide the basic service level for drinking water, usable sanitation, and handwashing with soap. The tool provides school heads with an easy to manage app, which calculates the annual cost per student depending on local condition and local prices.
How much do they need to keep aside for consumables, …

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TNUSSP carried out a baseline study in Kilakarai municipality to understand the current situation of access to sanitation and arrangements made for fecal sludge management in households and establishments. The findings from the study provide an overview of the gaps and challenges across the sanitation chain in Kilakarai in effective implementation and monitoring of septage management.

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Three large new trials of unprecedented scale and cost, which included novel factorial designs, have found no effect of basic water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) interventions on childhood stunting, and only mixed effects on childhood diarrhea. Arriving at the inception of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, and the bold new target of safely managed water, …

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Access to adequate water, sanitation, drainage and solid waste disposal are four inter-related basic needs which impact significantly on socio-economic development and quality of life. The number of people around the world who still do not have access to these basic facilities, despite enormous global effort over more than two decades,
provides sufficient evidence that conventional approaches …

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Title: Towards SDG 6.2 – Reflecting on and Responding to the Pandemic and ODA cuts
Date: 29 June 2021 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Duration: 2 hours (Virtual)

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The Faecal Sludge and Septage Management: Service Business Models shares leading practices and innovations to improve how faecal sludge is managed, and how to expand services to the millions of people living in thousands of cities in urban India, lacking access to safely managed sanitation.

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This publication is the final technical report of a project, which was funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The link to the project can be seen below.
Drying is a relevant unit operation during faecal sludge and fresh faeces treatment. It allows the removal of moisture from the faecal matter and its disinfection, so making it safer to handle, easier to transport and a more suitable …

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This manual is meant to act as a guide for facilitators during the implementation of Community Follow-up Workshops as part of a Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) program. Information provided is based on workshops piloted in Phalombe District during the GSF Program from 2011- 2012 by Engineers Without Borders Canada (EWB) and InterAide.

The pilot was a village-level monitoring strategy …

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UNICEF and engineers from the Water and Sanitation Support Organisation from West Bengal have prepared these standard operating procedures for chlorination of groundwater-based piped water systems. It is based on field visits to to gain a thorough understanding of the piped water supply schemes and various factors that influence the concentration of free residual chlorine in distribution …

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Sanitation coverage in Bangladesh has improved significantly over the last three decades; this has been mainly driven by government, development partners and NGO-led programmes. Most households either purchase their toilet components from local latrine producers (LP) or sanitation service providers and complete all or some of the construction themselves or else hire the services of the LP to …

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  • 02-09-2024Dr. Nasser Tuqan,Elise Mann :
    Bridging Borders: The Role of Climate-Resilient Sanitation in Global Peace and Sustainability »
  • 22-07-2024Andy Narracott:
    Breaking the Myths: Common Misconceptions About Safely Managed Sanitation »
  • 05-07-2024Lourdes Valenzuela:
    Brasilia June 2024: SIRWASH Dialogues: Public Policies for Economic Accessibility to Rural Water and Sanitation Services in the Context of Latin American and Caribbean Countries »
  • 11-06-2024 Ann Thomas:
    Nature Calls – why sanitation is the logical starting point for fighting climate change »
  • 07-05-2024Jeremy Kohlitz,Kaiea Ribanataake Awira,Ngaouea Neemia:
    Can Kiritimati become a model circular economy society? Water and sanitation as potential entry points »
  • 26-03-2024Alice Brandt ,Mascha Kaddori:
    Let’s get wild: Water, sanitation and hygiene at the human-wildlife interface »
  • 21-03-2024Tabeer Riaz:
    Empowering Young Women Water Professionals in South Asia: Leading the Wave of Change »

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