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Oxfam in Bangladesh implemented an iinovative approach in emergency response through WASH-related market interventions using three models: mobile money transfer, debit card and pre-paid card.

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This SFD was developed for Ugie located within the Elundini LM (Figure 3). Other towns in Elundini LM include Maclear and Mount Fletcher (Joe Gqabi District Municipality, 2018). Ugie developed from a mission station at Gatberg and was established and named in 1863 by William Murray after the Ugie River in Scotland. The town was founded in 1885 (Eastern Cape, 2021). The town serves as an activity …

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In November of 2013, Typhoon Haiyan struck the Eastern Visayas region of the Philippines devastating homes and families in its path. The response by the government and international community was swift as shelter kits were distributed and “bunkhouse-style” temporary housing built for displaced persons. As these needs were met, new problems emerged, among them was how to properly manage the …

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This report provides a summary of the status of menstrual hygiene (MH) in schools in South Asia. It describes the context for MH in schools and progress in the implementation of MH services since 2018. It identifies progress and gaps in achieving sustainable and inclusive MH services in schools at scale. It draws together opportunities for further promoting and mainstreaming MH in schools in …

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Rural coastal areas of islands in the South Pacific are often characterized by shallow groundwater and are prone to floods. The prevalent pit-based sanitation (i.e. ‘bush’, Dry, and Pour-Flush Toilets) may cause microbiological and chemical groundwater contamination. Floods involve the risk of spreading pathogens in the environment and may cause toilets to be inoperable. Composting Toilets …

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Leading by example: A dry toilet at a private residence in Germany which doesn't need any flush water was installed. It is odour-free, thanks to the fact that dry faeces don't smell. It is produced by Separett in Sweden.

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The OSEC® (On Site Electrolytic Chlorination) hypochlorite generationequipment described in this manual is designed for the continuous production of sodium hypochlorite from brine. The sodium hypochlorite isused in the disinfection of water supplies, being an alternative to the useof gaseous chlorination. The sodium hypochlorite produced by the OSECmethod is of much lower concentration than …

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This issue of Frontiers of CLTS draws on the experiences of relief and development agencies which have facilitated CLTS in post-emergency and FCAS contexts. Its purpose is to contribute to understanding, and distil learning and guidance around the application of CLTS in these situations. It explores the question: How, when, and in what circumstances can a CLTSstyle process of analysis, action, …

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The major focus of this report is the description and critical analysis of the main
wastewater treatment processes used in Brazil. Special emphasis is given to small to
medium size communities with populations lower than 100,000 inhabitants, which
represent approximately 95% of the 5,570 Brazilian municipalities. In terms of coverage,
around 40% of the sewage generated in Brazil is treated, …

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Innovative Sanitation Solutions for Urban Areas - a discussion with three Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation grantees. Hosted by: Stockholm Environment Institute and the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA) on 07 November 2013. The topic of this expert chat was "Innovative Sanitation Solutions for Urban Areas", and it was the third webinar in a series this year with the aim to give increased …

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Tiruchirappalli has focused on urban sanitation over a long period of time. This report examines Trichy’s sanitation situation through a comprehensive understanding of existing sanitation arrangements, and highlights key deficiencies that can be addressed by a proposed action and investment plan.

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The Canton of Alajuela is located within the province of Alajuela in the north-central part of Costa Rica, covering an area of approximately 388.43 km². The canton is geopolitically sub-divided into 14 districts, holding a population of approximately 254,567. Eighty eight percent of its population is living in urban areas. There are approximately 45 slums reported in the canton, housing about …

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These Guidance Notes are intended to help people involved with an Initial Rapid Assessment (IRA) at coordination and field levels to prepare for, organize and carry out an IRA, analyse the data collected to make essential decisions on immediate response, funding and/or follow on assessments. Section 2 is primarily aimed at coordination level and Section 3 at field level. The sections most …

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Every child has the right to water and sanitation. And yet globally, in fragile and conflict-affected contexts, 420 million children lack basic sanitation and 210 million children lack access to safe drinking water. UNICEF launched the Water Under Fire campaign in March 2019 to draw global attention to three fundamental areas where changes are urgently needed to secure access to safe and …

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Faecal sludge management in rural areas is a fast emerging as a challenge as most toilets are single pits or containment tanks. The FSM chain, from containment and collection through transportation and treatment followed by safe reuse is very new and tenuous. While SBM II guidelines provide limited approaches, it was felt that a decision-support mechanism was needed. This thematic discussion …

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Cap-Haïtien is located in Haiti, in the Caribbean region. It is Haiti’s second largest city after its capital, Portau-Prince, with an estimated population of 404,766 in 2017 (IDB, 2017). The city of Cap-Haïtien is located within the commune of Cap-Haïtien, which is divided into three communal sections (sections communales), the smallest official administrative unit.

For the SFD graphic, …

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Based on available evidence, expert opinion, recommendations from health authorities as well as from manufacturers, there is little scientific evidence to indicate that menstrual cup use increases the risk of IUD expulsion, and therefore little reason for IUD users to exclude using an MC. In the spirit of precaution, and until better evidence is available, possible users …

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Flooding, earthquakes, civil unrest and other natural and man-made disasters often cause damage to hand-dug wells. This technical note sets out the actions needed to repair and rehabilitate a hand-dug well so that it can be returned to its former condition. The emergency repair and rehabilitation measures proposed are temporary and should be followed by measures for permanent rehabilitation.

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WHO’s 13th General Programme of Work (GPW) 2019–2023 describes how the Organization’s work will contribute to the health of three billion: one billion becoming “healthier populations” through multisectoral actions and addressing environmental risk factors and health determinants; one billion benefiting from better emergency preparedness and response; and one billion with universal …

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The recycling of organic residues into compost has a number of advantages. It avoids the wasting valuable organic material to landfills and reduces associated emissions to water, soil and air. It generates a product that contributes to long-term soil quality, as compost contains a high amount of stabilised organic matter. Finally, compost may also reduce the need for artificial fertilisers, as it …

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After exploring the potential of SFDs in predicting the impact of sanitation investment projects across the sanitation service chain, a new feature was developed called “trend graphs” or “Scenario SFDs”. It allows visualizing different scenarios and giving an outlook on what the situation could look like in the future and what could be achieved through specific investments or activities. …

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This is the recording of an online expert chat using Adobe Connect hosted by Stockholm Environment Institute (Arno Rosemarin) on 1 July 2013. It is part of a larger grant that SEI received in November 2012 from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The topic of this expert chat was "Research projects involving anaerobic processes with biogas generation", and it was the first expert chat in a …

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During emergencies it is important to monitor the impact of Hygiene Promotion including the change in community hygiene practices which can contribute to the reduction of WASH related diseases. Information provided by monitoring can usefully be fed back into future evaluation and planning of Hygiene Promotion projects so the objectives can be adjusted where necessary. It is important that data …

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The flash cards illustrate the existing and available technology options and processes across the entire value chain of on-site sanitation in Gujarat (for pour-flush user interface). The flash cards will be used as visual aids in the field to identify and evaluate existing systems and processes. These cards can also be used as tools to foster discussion with ULB officers on septage management in …

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Emotional demonstrations (emo-demos) are used in behaviour-centred design to trigger behaviour changes, such as handwashing with soap, by creating disgust and shame.
Through the Sustainable Sanitation and Hygiene For All (SSH4A) programme, vaccination centres in villages were found to be an ideal place to raise awareness of the importance of washing hands with soap among pregnant women, mothers …

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  • 02-09-2024Dr. Nasser Tuqan,Elise Mann :
    Bridging Borders: The Role of Climate-Resilient Sanitation in Global Peace and Sustainability »
  • 22-07-2024Andy Narracott:
    Breaking the Myths: Common Misconceptions About Safely Managed Sanitation »
  • 05-07-2024Lourdes Valenzuela:
    Brasilia June 2024: SIRWASH Dialogues: Public Policies for Economic Accessibility to Rural Water and Sanitation Services in the Context of Latin American and Caribbean Countries »
  • 11-06-2024 Ann Thomas:
    Nature Calls – why sanitation is the logical starting point for fighting climate change »
  • 07-05-2024Jeremy Kohlitz,Kaiea Ribanataake Awira,Ngaouea Neemia:
    Can Kiritimati become a model circular economy society? Water and sanitation as potential entry points »
  • 26-03-2024Alice Brandt ,Mascha Kaddori:
    Let’s get wild: Water, sanitation and hygiene at the human-wildlife interface »
  • 21-03-2024Tabeer Riaz:
    Empowering Young Women Water Professionals in South Asia: Leading the Wave of Change »

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