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BabyWASH at World Vision is an initiative which aims to improve the integration of water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) interventions with maternal, newborn and child health (MNCH), nutrition and early childhood development (ECD), to enable a more profound impact on child health outcomes in the first 1,000 days of life. The initiative was developed due to a recognised gap in the integration in …

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This manual was developed by WaterAid Timor-Leste as a means to integrate gender inequality as a significant consideration in its water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) programming at the community level. The Manual aims to foster and encourage change towards greater gender equality.
The approach is not to conduct formal ‘training’ but to facilitate opportunities for dialogue between women and …

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This guidance seeks to address key gaps with respect to the specific practicalities of managing menstrual materials. Displaced women and girls using disposable products face clear challenges figuring out how to get rid of them in their constrained contexts. And those using reusable materials must be able to wash, dry and store them hygienically between periods, similarly with limited privacy. To …

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This manual contains training materials and handouts to enable facilitators to rapidly prepare training for different levels of hygiene promoters.

It can also serve as a resource for self directed learning by both hygiene promoters and others involved in supporting or managing WASH interventions.

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Handwashing with soap for minimum 40 seconds is one of the precautionary measures suggested and advocated globally since the outbreak of COVID-19 (Corona Virus Disease). The pandemic has created a demand for behaviour change and sustained practices of Handwashing with soap. This calls for exploring existing options of handwashing stations and create newer designs of handwashing stations globally, …

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This tip sheet offers a framework for supporting menstrual health and hygiene (MHH) and practical entry points for meeting the needs of menstruators with disabilities.

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Fecal Sludge Treatment or Septage Management is increasingly being recognised as an effective and appropriate method to scale urban sanitation systems to achieve safe sanitation, particularly in small towns and cities. As implementation progresses, data-based evidence is emerging, highlighting the challenges faced on the ground, and the requisite planning necessary to address them. This paper …

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Clean water provision is a critical component of emergency response, and chlorination is widely used in emergencies to treat water. To provide responders with practical, evidencebased recommendations for implementing chlorination programmes and recommend areas for future research, we conducted a literature review of chlorination in emergencies, supplemented with a literature review on …

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A factsheet about surface water abstraction, its sources and maintenance tasks.

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Globally, an estimated 1.9 billion people use either an unimproved water source or an improved source that is faecally-contaminated. Furthermore, 502,000 diarrhoeal deaths in low- and middle-income countries can be attributed to insufficient and unsafe drinking-water (WHO, 2014a). The vast majority of these deaths occur in Africa and South-East Asia, mainly among vulnerable populations, including …

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Contamination of drinking water by microorganisms and arsenic represents a major human health hazard in many parts of the world. An estimated 3.4 million deaths a year are attributable to waterborne diseases. Arsenic poisoning from contaminated water sources is causing a major health emergency in some countries such as Bangladesh where 35 to 77 million people are at risk.

The World Health …

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Roughing filtration can be considered as a major pre-treatment process for wastewater, since they efficiently separate fine solids particles over prolonged periods without addition of chemicals. This review article summarizes and evaluates modifications to roughing filtration technology, which may address these limitations without compromising the simplicity of the treatment process. Successful …

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This report explores ways by which private sector engagement in FSSM can be successfully accelerated by looking at potential business opportunities and challenges in FSSM, lessons that can be learned from current FSSM practice and finally, key takeaways for the key stakeholders in the ecosystem. While each of these segments touch upon separate aspects of the FSSM ecosystem, the common thread of …

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14.7% of India’s tribal peoples reside in the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh. Historically these tribal groups have been marginalized, socially and economically restricted, and their access to basic services has been disproportionately lower than that of the wider population. To tackle this inequality and demonstrate how a remote, hard to reach tribal area can benefit from sustained WASH …

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In Tamil Nadu, currently, a range of behaviour deficits exist along the full cycle of sanitation at the stages of access, containment, emptying, transport, treatment and re-use/disposal. However, communication strategies in the sanitation sector have been largely limited to promoting hygiene behaviours such as handwashing or stopping open defecation by promoting the use of toilets. While these …

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Q1: Do girls miss school because of menstruation? ‘One in ten girls in sub-Saharan Africa misses school during their period’. This truism has not been substantiated, but empirical evidence from low- and middle-income countries has accumulated, confirming a negative effect at varying levels (from less than 10 to more than 50 percent absence during menstruation). One study from Uganda found …

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Sometown is a regional center in a predominantly agricultural area. It serves as a commercial center for this area, and has a well-established light industry as well as several food and cotton processing enterprises.

Water for the municipal supply is abstracted from wellfields 5 km east of the city limits. Water quality is at present excellent; the water is chlorinated, but only as a …

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It seems people these days can’t stop talking about periods. From derision by presidential candidates, to taboo-breaking Instagrammers and marathoners, menstruation is no longer in the closet. The Society for Menstrual Cycle Research (SMCR) has been building the evidence base and articulating menstruation’s role in health and well-being for over 40 years. SMCR was the first multidisciplinary …

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In this regional analysis, the UN-Water Global Analysis and Assessment of Sanitation and Drinking-Water (GLAAS) 2013/2014 country survey data from 11 Eastern Mediterranean Member States and territories, i.e. countries, are presented along with information provided by 23 external support agencies (ESAs). The 11 countries representing a population of 430 million in the WHO Eastern Mediterranean …

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In 2017, Elrha’s Humanitarian Innovation Fund (HIF) launched a Challenge ‘to understand how to design, implement, and evaluate approaches to user-centered sanitation that incorporate rapid community engagement and are appropriate for the first stage of rapid-onset emergencies’ (defined as the first twelve weeks post-crisis). A component of this Challenge involved undertaking a landscape …

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This component dealt with the agricultural use of urine and MAP (struvite) as fertiliser as well as the related legal aspects.

The component was led by the University of Bonn.

Here you can find the results of the project component "Agricultural production / Legal situation" that has been presented at the DWA conference "NASS-Tage" and the factsheet gives you a short overview about the main …

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This report describes field tests of three prototype pit latrine emptying systems, a hand operated diaphgram pump and two vacuum tankers in regular service in Africa. Numerous sludge samples were taken and their viscosities and compositions measured to establish limits for the types of sludges that can be removed by each system.

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This document provides guidance for practitioners on conducting market analysis before the onset of an anticipated crisis using an adaptation of existing post-crisis market assessment tools. Recommendations stemming from this analysis could be used to inform preparedness and DRR programming decision making as well as future emergency responses. This guidance focuses on markets, with the objective …

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Sustainable management of toilet waste must prevent disease transmission but allow reuse of plant nutrients. Inactivation of uterus-derived Ascaris suum eggs was studied in relation to ammonia in source-separated urine without additives and in human feces to which urea had been added, in order to evaluate ammonia-based sanitation for production of safe fertilizers from human excreta. Urine was …

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  • 02-09-2024Dr. Nasser Tuqan,Elise Mann :
    Bridging Borders: The Role of Climate-Resilient Sanitation in Global Peace and Sustainability »
  • 22-07-2024Andy Narracott:
    Breaking the Myths: Common Misconceptions About Safely Managed Sanitation »
  • 05-07-2024Lourdes Valenzuela:
    Brasilia June 2024: SIRWASH Dialogues: Public Policies for Economic Accessibility to Rural Water and Sanitation Services in the Context of Latin American and Caribbean Countries »
  • 11-06-2024 Ann Thomas:
    Nature Calls – why sanitation is the logical starting point for fighting climate change »
  • 07-05-2024Jeremy Kohlitz,Kaiea Ribanataake Awira,Ngaouea Neemia:
    Can Kiritimati become a model circular economy society? Water and sanitation as potential entry points »
  • 26-03-2024Alice Brandt ,Mascha Kaddori:
    Let’s get wild: Water, sanitation and hygiene at the human-wildlife interface »
  • 21-03-2024Tabeer Riaz:
    Empowering Young Women Water Professionals in South Asia: Leading the Wave of Change »

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Shit flow diagrams, excreta flow diagrams (310 SFDs worldwide)

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