SuSanA Library

SuSanA (2010) EcoSan promotion project examples at Naivasha Bus Park, Kenya

This video shows the EcoSan public sanitation project at the bus park of Naivasha in central Kenya. The sanitation system uses flush toilets connected to a biogas plant. The biogas is used at an adjacent cafe for cooking.

Online since: 22.05.2018
Views: 1433
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SuSanA (2010) EcoSan promotion project examples in Kiambu, Kenya

This video shows the use of biogas at the ecosan sanitation project at Gachoire Secondary girls school close to Kiambu/Central Kenya.

Online since: 22.05.2018
Views: 2260
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SuSanA (2014) Vidéo educativo - Cuentos de la Mariquita

An educational video about tales of the Mariquita.

Online since: 22.05.2018
Views: 1065
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SuSanA (2010) School sanitation - a common challenge in Kenya

School sanitation - a common challenge in Kenya. The video shows the state of toilets and their negative influence on the hygiene situation and learning conditions in schools. The installation of ecosan systems is generating the confidence amongst the school staff to solve their sanitation problems and to gain from the benefits of biogas use, fertilizer and the irrigation water thereby saving on costs and […]

Online since: 22.05.2018
Views: 2100
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SuSanA (2010) Simple waterless sanitation at private residence in Germany

Leading by example: A dry toilet at a private residence in Germany which doesn't need any flush water was installed. It is odour-free, thanks to the fact that dry faeces don't smell. It is produced by Separett in Sweden.

Online since: 22.05.2018
Views: 1811
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UMC (2018) Value Chain of On-Site Sanitation Systems - Flash cards

The flash cards illustrate the existing and available technology options and processes across the entire value chain of on-site sanitation in Gujarat (for pour-flush user interface). The flash cards will be used as visual aids in the field to identify and evaluate existing systems and processes. These cards can also be used as tools to foster discussion with ULB officers on septage management in cities. The […]

Online since: 21.05.2018
Views: 1785
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UMC (2015) Standard Operating Procedures for Fecal Sludge Management for Municipalities in Gujarat

This Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is a step-by-step guide for ULBs to institute a framework for on-site sanitation system management. This SOP conforms to the advisory note on septage management released by MoUD and draws from UMC’s experience of working with ULBs in Gujarat. It provides a set of written instructions on septic tank construction, cleaning and maintenance and disposal of sludge in a concise format. […]

Online since: 21.05.2018
Views: 2755
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NIUA and UMC (2018) Faecal Sludge and Septage Management: An Orientation Module

The Handbook is an initiative of Sanitation Capacity Building Platform (SCBP) to build capacities in Feacal Sludge and Septage Management (FSSM) for officials of urban local bodies (ULB), para state technical agencies, administrators and professionals from the private sector and Non-governmental Organizations. It is meant to be freely used by any can organization (public or private), national and state level training institutes, AMRUT and SBM […]

Online since: 19.05.2018
Views: 6349
Downloads: 172

UMC Technical Support Unit-NULM, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA) (2018) Empowering Marginalized Groups - Convergence Between SBM and DAY-NULM

Empowering Marginalized Groups- Convergence Between SBM and DAY-NULM is a guideline on convergence between Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM) and Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana -National Urban Livelihood Mission (DAY-NULM). The guidelines are a ready reckoner for the government functionaries at the national, state and Urban Local Body (ULB) level to bring recognition to sanitation as a major livelihood sector for the urban poor candidates. The convergence […]

Online since: 17.05.2018
Views: 3460
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Urban Management Centre (2017) Leading Practices in Community Engagement and Sanitation

Community engagement and establishing women-led self help groups in cities across India is at the core of the National Urban Livelihood Mission (NULM). All other components of NULM, namely, self employment, skill training and entrepreneurship development have their roots in social mobilization. In contrast to the rural livelihood mission, where there are several successful community engagement platforms, due to the complexity and dynamic […]

Online since: 17.05.2018
Views: 1857
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Mangharam, A. (2017) SFD Lite Report - King County, WA, USA

King County is located in the state of Washington in the Pacific Northwest region of the USA. It has a population of 2.1 million people and is the most populous county in the state. Most of King County is sewered with separate, partial and combined sewage systems; there are also 85,000 septic tanks in the county, in Seattle and on Vashon Island. Note: All calculations in […]

Online since: 15.05.2018
Views: 3535
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Sharma, R., Bieker, S., Tempel, A., Jacob, N., Saxena, S. (2018) Septage Management in Urban India – Providing Conceptual Clarity White Paper

Content: - Introduction and Context - Terminology - Conceptual clarity - Conclusions

Online since: 08.05.2018
Views: 2701
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Businge, J. (2017) Managing a pit emptying enterprise

Overview of managing a pit emptying enterprise.

Online since: 03.05.2018
Views: 1533
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Murta, J. (2015) Proceedings of the Learning Event on Urban Sanitation – Professionalization of Emptying Services Urban Sanitation & Hygiene for Health and Development Programme

This report documents the activities from the Learning Event held by SNV Netherlands Development Organisation in Manila, Philippines, from 30 November to 3 December 2015, as part of the Knowledge and Learning component of its Urban Sanitation & Hygiene for Health and Development programme. The event was attended by 39 participants from eight countries, and focused on the ‘professionalization of emptying services’. Learning Event held by SNV Netherlands Development Organization

Online since: 03.05.2018
Views: 1506
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CEPT University & RCUES, AIILSG (2017) ODF and ODF Sustainability Workshop

Sanitation has been on the forefront of development agenda in India. The Government of India's Swachh Bharat Mission aims to make the whole country Open Defecation Free by 2019. How cities become ODF and what can other cities learn from ODF cities? This was the aim in organising a two day workshop for city officials from Rajasthan. The workshop also included a visit to an […]

Online since: 03.05.2018
Views: 2973
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Jeevan Pradhikaran, M. (2012) Training modules for WSS capacity building of community groups in rural and small urban areas

This training course series was formulated for capacity building of community groups in rural and small urban areas for operation and maintenance of water supply and sanitation systems in their village/town. There are 3 Modules- "Basics of Water Supply System" provides insights on basics component of water supply system, installation and distribution of water supply systems, estimation and measurement of components of water supply system […]

Online since: 03.05.2018
Views: 2705
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CEPT University (2017) Training of Trainers on Faecal Sludge and Septage Management

Faecal Sludge and Septage Management has been a neglected area in Indian cities. It has not received attention because of poor understanding of faecal sludge/ septage and lack of proper technical guidance. In this context a training module was developed aimed at training institutes from various states of India that regularly provide training to ULB officials. This two day training programme was developed under the […]

Online since: 03.05.2018
Views: 2581
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Oxfam (2007) Workshop Alternatif Cara Penyedotan Tinja (Poo Pump) (Indonesian) Alternative Desludging Options (Poo Pump) Workshop

- To introduce alternative options of desludging option (Poo Pump); - To disseminate information the utilization of the poo pump technology; - To obtain general feedback from partners working in sanitation about the implementation of the poo pump technology

Online since: 03.05.2018
Views: 1045
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UNICEF Nigeria (2008) Trainers Participatory Hygiene and Sanitation Promotion Manual

This step-by-step manual is designed to help personnel involved in the implementation of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) activities improve their knowledge and skills to facilitate community engagement processes. The principal aim of this manual is to enable practitioners and facilitators/trainers involved in hygiene promotion to adapt innovative methods in learning, planning with groups and working with communities. The manual is not written on stone, […]

Online since: 03.05.2018
Views: 1480
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Oxfam (2018) E-voucher programming for flood responses in Bangladesh

Oxfam in Bangladesh implemented an iinovative approach in emergency response through WASH-related market interventions using three models: mobile money transfer, debit card and pre-paid card.

Online since: 30.04.2018
Views: 1824
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