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In an emergency situation, the collection, treatment and disposal of the human excreta and waste in a safe way is one of the biggest challenges to face, regardless the type of disaster. When it comes to faecal sludge management, the traditional desludging methods can often not be appropriate in an acute emergency phase. Consequently, relief organisations aim to apply new and simple approaches and …

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Sustainable management of toilet waste must prevent disease transmission but allow reuse of plant nutrients. Inactivation of uterus-derived Ascaris suum eggs was studied in relation to ammonia in source-separated urine without additives and in human feces to which urea had been added, in order to evaluate ammonia-based sanitation for production of safe fertilizers from human excreta. Urine was …

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Local government units (LGUs) just beginning to implement a new septage management program may wish to phase in the program over time. Lime stabilization can be done as a first phase following a disaster and perhaps serve the public and commercial sectors. In the next phase, a municipal or city-wide program to desludge all septic tanks on a regular schedule using treatment technologies besides …

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When cholera strikes in a low-income country, the rapid construction and successful operation of specialist cholera treatment centres (CTC) by medical NGOs can significantly reduce the mortality rate. Such has been the case in Haiti. Since cholera struck the eastern part of the island of Hispaniola in October 2010, in the aftermath of a devastating earthquake ten months earlier, Médecins Sans …

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Rural areas of Cambodia have no safe waste management strategies for household latrine waste. Household application of lime (calcium hydroxide, Ca(OH)2) would enable households to treat waste easily on-site and significantly reduce the risk of latrine sludge causing negative impacts on human health and the environment, whilst transforming latrines into incubators of a valuable agricultural …

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In this research, three faecal sludge sanitizing methods—lactic acid fermentation, urea treatment and lime treatment—were studied for application in emergency situations. These methods were investigated by undertaking small scale field trials with pit latrine sludge in Blantyre, Malawi. Hydrated lime was able to reduce the E. coli count in the sludge to below the detectable limit within 1 h …

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Within S(P)EEDKITS, workpackage WP3- “watsan” (water and sanitation) focuses on the development of flexible sanitation solutions suited for emergency cases and on low cost water kits that help to generate, transport and store (potable) water. Focus in both domains is on the easy deployment of the kits. This document reports on the prototypes for the various watsan kits and the outcome of the …

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Research on anaerobic digestion solutions for low - and middle-income countries has shown that there is a wealth of knowledge and experience with small- and medium-scale digesters built in rural areas where manure from a few cattle and some household waste is used as feedstock. However, anaerobic digestion still seems to play a negligible role as a treatment option in urban settings for organic …

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A Bio-latrine is low maintenance system comprising a combination of a toilet and a bio-digester unit. It can be constructed using local materials and requires no machinery or fuel input other than human waste. This brief looks at the option of using bio-latrines, an on-site dry toilet technology which generates fertilising materials and fuel from the human excreta.

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This report is the product of a five-month Centre Internship at the International Development Research Centre - Cities Feeding People Programme Initiative (CFP) during the summer of 1999. The report was commissioned to provide CFP team members an overview of emergent trends in environmentally sound and economically viable approaches to wastewater management. The subject of the report relates to …

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This project has studied the appropriateness of the ABR for on-site primary sanitation in low-income communities. The baffled design of the ABR ensures high solids retention resulting in high treatment rates, while the overall sludge production is characteristically low. Effluent COD values measured from a 3 000 l pilot ABR using domestic wastewater at a wastewater treatment works were …

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This paper presents a state-of-the-art review on the septic tank and septic systems. Information on design and functional aspects, and environmental effects of septic tank systems are presented. In addition, some important research needs as reported in the literature are pinpointed. It should be noted that this review paper contains neither standards nor rules and regulations pertaining to septic …

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A septic tank takes raw sewage in, allows the solids to settle (sludge) and allows the remaining liquid to flow into the surrounding soil by means of a soakaway. Scum on the surface is also prevented from leaving the tank. Microorganisms in the anaerobic environment in the tank digest the sludge and scum. The system consists of several stages, supply to the tank, the tank itself and the soak …

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The world is witnessing the highest levels of forced human displacement on record, leading to people being housed in urban centres and camps. Generally the sanitation needs of these people are initially met by external agencies. The long-term costs of operating and maintaining traditional sanitation systems can be unviable when communities or local authorities take over their management. …

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The technical performance and user acceptance of a novel on-site sanitation system based on vermifiltration was tested for over 12 months in rural India. Ten households (mean household size = 5.6 people) who had previously practised open defecation trialled a pour flush toilet linked to a vermifilter, together known as a ‘Tiger Toilet’. Technical parameters which were monitored over this …

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This paper describes the development of a novel onsite sanitation system based on vermifiltration, the Tiger Toilet. Initial laboratory experiments demonstrated that feed distribution was not required, a worm density of 2 kg/m2 could be used, worms preferred wetter environments, and system configuration did not affect effluent quality. Installing the first prototype in the UK proved that the …

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Patna, the state capital of Bihar, is situated on the southern bank of Ganga River. The city is surrounded by two other rivers on two other sides: Sone River and Pun-Pun River.
Patna is the second largest city in eastern India after Kolkata. For the preparation of the SFD, the territory of Patna Municipal Corporation (PMC) is selected.
The total population of the city is 1.68 million with …

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Most sanitation promotion approaches are only partially successful in providing short term increases in sanitation coverage and usage. BCC messages designed as marketing interventions often fail to address deeper underlying
causes of resistance behind people’s reluctance to adopt improved and safe sanitation and hygiene (or even physical barriers like water availability).

This study was an …

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Container-based sanitation (CBS) – in which wastes are captured in sealable containers that are then transported to treatment facilities – is an alternative sanitation option in urban areas where on-site sanitation and sewerage are infeasible. This paper presents the results of a pilot household CBS service in Cap Haitien, Haiti. We quantify the excreta generated weekly in a dense urban slum, …

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Traditional alternatives have included: lined pit latrines, raised latrines and urine diverting dry toilets (UDDTs). These alternatives might be suitable in addressing the unfavourable ground conditions, but are not necessarily able to address the constraints encountered in the urban environment. For this reason agencies have started to take a closer look at some of the newer container based …

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If ground has rock or groundwater close to the surface, it may not be possible to dig a hole deep enough even for a twin-pit latrine. In such cases pits can be raised above the ground. This short note illustrates ways of doing this.

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Whilst pit latrines are often the most suitable form of sanitation in lowincome communities, there are some situations which present particular challenges for designers and builders. These situations include locations where rock is close to the surface, so preventing the excavation of a deep pit, or in cold climates where solids do not decompose as readily as in warmer environments. This guide …

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The need for a latrine pit lining depends upon the type of latrine under construction and the condition of the soil. Septic tanks and aqua privies, for example, require watertight compartments so their pits are always lined. For a pit latrine, however, it is only necessary to line the pit if there is a possibility that it will collapse during its life span. This guide examines the methods and …

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The addition of a vent pipe to a simple pit latrine is one way of reducing the nuisance of flies in the cubicle if the cubicle is kept clean and dark. This type of latrine is called a ventilated improved pit (VIP) latrine. VIP latrines effectively control odour and flies while still allowing users to clean themselves with hard materials such as newspaper and leaves which may not suitable for use …

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This Discussion Paper provides guidelines that will enable a design engineer to make a rational selection of the VIP latrine design option most appropriate to the community for which he is responsible. The designer is aiming at a technical choice that will be affordable to the householder and will give the best long-term service at the least cost. It is assumed for the purpose of this paper that …

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    Empowering Young Women Water Professionals in South Asia: Leading the Wave of Change »

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