Project Database

COMBINING ART & WASH SYSTEMS TO IMPROVE WASH INFRASTRUCTURE IN SHEOHAR The project’s aim was to promote the development of high-quality drinking water and sanitation services that would be accessible to everyone in the Sheohar district and sustained by local communities, businesses, and governments.

Like many regions in India, the district of Sheohar faces numerous challenges related to water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH). Water contamination and open defecation have made illness common in many villages, and at the district level, almost 14% of children under the age of five were reported as experiencing diarrhea in the two weeks preceding the National Family Health Survey (2015-16). Against this backdrop, the […]

Deployment of innovative toilet technologies for the underprivileged societies Community intervention activities of Technology Innovation foundation of IIT Palakkad at Kotagiri tribal area, Tamil Nadu, India

Technology Innovation Foundation of IIT Palakkad (TECHIN) is the incubation arm of IIT Palakkad. TECHIN, in collaboration with the Global Sanitation Center of Excellence (GSCOE) of IIT Palakkad, is eagerly interested in expanding the field-testing and validation of promising start-up innovations to facilitate the sanitation needs of the rural villagers. Nirgandh is a startup incubated at TECHIN of IIT Palakkad. It provides technology-driven affordable sanitation […]

Accelerator The world’s leading Accelerator dedicated to scaling sanitation SMEs via business model design, corporate mentorship and access to investment.

The Toilet Board Coalition built the world’s leading Accelerator dedicated to scaling sanitation SMEs via business model design, corporate mentorship and access to investment. The Accelerator not only strengthens and scales sanitation businesses, but it also facilitates partnerships within its Members – between SMEs, corporates, NGOs, investors and governments that share a commitment to enable universal access to sanitation. To date, the Coalition has graduated 70 […]

Emergency response to the cholera epidemic Containing the cholera epidemic and limit its frightening spread in the community and not reach the advanced stages of infection.

The health kets distribution activity was implemented in Zone 2, Al-Ta’aziah District, where the distribution process was carried out with (20,000) bags for (20,000) beneficiary families, which were targeted by the awareness process during the first phase. The environmental and water sanitation activity was also implemented within the framework of the four targeted districts, which included the rehabilitation of (14) sites in the sewage network that […]

Upscaling WASH-systems-strengthening in Fragile and Developing Contexts to Achieve SDG 6 in Ghotki The purpose of the program is to improve primary healthcare infrastructure and services, especially in rural areas; expand access to clean drinking water and sanitation facilities; implement affordable housing programs for low-income households; and enhan

• Organize the workshops for dissemination of learning with partners and program stakeholders • Document the learning to guide the future WASH program design • Develop human interest stories for the partners and communities to adopt the best practices. • Capacitate building of VDO and local partner on WASH systems approach. • Ongoing participation in Module Six. • Contribution to program-wide knowledge briefs or papers on the cross-cutting themes of the overall multi-country program (i.e., market-based […]

Voices of manual pit emptiers: their crucial role in FSM, challenges faced, and desired support Manual Pit Emptiers (MPEs) play a crucial role in urban sanitation. Sanergy, CAWST and PASA sought to focus on the work that MPEs do, the challenges they face and what support they need to improve their work.

Promoting the health, safety, and dignity of sanitation workers is an increasing priority within the WASH and labor sectors, but the perspective of MPEs is often absent due to heavy stigmatization and the informal nature of their work. We developed a MPE-centered approach to bring manual pit emptiers (MPEs) directly into the ongoing urban sanitation conversation. We conducted six focus group discussions (FGDs) in Senegal, […]

Accelerating Access to Rural Sanitation in Nigeria (AATRISAN) To reduce open defecation and increase access to improved sanitation and safe hygiene practices in Nigeria through promotion of Market Based Sanitation (MBS) Approaches

As of the latest data, the majority of people in Nigeria, 57% representing nearly 120 million, lack access to basic sanitation. Of these, more than 38 million people are performing open defecation, more than 39 million are using unimproved toilets, and 40 million are sharing a basic facility with another household. A huge acceleration in progress is needed if Nigeria is to meet the SDG […]

Rehabilitation programme for water sources

In 2020, we started a major borehole rehabilitation programme, completely renovating non-functional boreholes across five districts in Uganda, bringing back clean water to almost 126,000 people across 123 projects. As of 1st October 2022, we have now rehabilitated 300 boreholes across 6 districts benefitting over 250,000 people. Our team select communities to work with based on needs assessments. Communities and engineers then decide where to locate […]

Provide clean & safe water for 1500 women and children his project would provide access to safe clean drinking water in rural communities in Northern, Nigeria.

We also conducted a geophysical and hydrogeological survey with results showing basement rock formation composed of gneisses and granites with an aquifer target present from 30-37 meters’ depth and a calculated borehole depth of 37-65 meters to get a hand pump that will last for 10 – 15 years. A vertical electrical sounding was conducted for the survey. The rains have stopped, although this year it […]

Fit for School Initiative for Africa Through improvements in WASH and infection prevention and control in schools the initiative aims to strengthen (pandemic) resilience of educational institutions and schools.

The Fit for School (F4S) Initiative for Africa is supporting the Ministries of Education and is collaborating with schools and Teacher Training Colleges in selected areas. Under the initiative, readiness assessments for school re-opening and capacity development measures on WASH and infection prevention and control within Ministries of Education (national, sub-national and school level) were conducted. Health, hygiene and immunization promotion campaigns target students and […]

LAVESE - Mobile Hygiene Making hand washing possible and attractive in mobile jobs

Working in mobile jobs often reveals the challenge of not having a proper hand washing facility available. We work with firefighters, rescue teams, civil protection organisations, craftsmen such as carpenders, construction workers, veterinariens, food market vendors and humanitarian aid organisations. We provide the "hardware", the ultramobile handwashing module. Raising awareness around potential risks in specific work environments are among our "software" responsibilities.

#LetsTalkPERIOD – Reaching Millions via Social Media ‘Clicktivism’ is proving an effective tool for tackling taboos around menstruation and for empowering young women around the globe.

The challenge: How to reach adolescents on a broad scale to raise awareness and share educational materials? The solution: Engage a popular national actress and influencer as Goodwill Ambassador Starting in 2020 German-supported projects in Nepal, Albania and the Philippines are involving local social media influencers and celebrities to break down taboos around Menstrual Health and Hygiene (MHH). There is no doubt that social media can […]

Indian Toilet Association as Knowledge Partner To join hands with India's leading exhibitors as Knowledge Partners in their maiden toilet exposition

INDIAN TOILET SANITATION EXPO AND CONFERENCE is India’s First International Exhibition, Conference, B2B Networking on Indian Toilet Sanitation Expo / Conference is organised by Exhicon Group, India. Exhicon has decided to conduct a three-day exposition at Messe Global, Laxmi Lawns in Pune from 12th May to 14th May 2023. Exhicon wanted us to be their Knowledge Partner and assist in conducting parallel sessions on […]

CaDev_Capacity Development Child-Led WASH Project and the Zambia WASHprenure Project

CaDev currently has two WASH projects running; Child-Led WASH Project The Child-Led WASH initiative is a CaDev-pioneered project for children. It is aimed at promoting WASH clubs in schools that are led by children. Within the context of Zambia, after-school activities exist for children in form of clubs. The idea of WASH clubs allows for children who are passionate about WASH to meet in a creative space […]

Ocean Sewage Alliance Knowledge Hub The OSA is building a dynamic knowledge hub dedicated solely to sharing information and resources on ocean wastewater pollution.

Wastewater pollution has been a largely invisible problem. It becomes visible when people fall ill, fisheries fail, beaches close, toxic algal blooms wreak havoc, and much more. The negative repercussions of wastewater pollution are in front of us – we just need to recognize them. But, documentation of wastewater pollution can be difficult to find due to historical neglect of this issue, so Ocean Sewage […]

Sanitation facilities for Students To assist the students who did not have proper sanitation facilities in the School

Thakshila Maha Vidyalaya is a mixed School with about 650 students, situated in Bogas Handiya, Mahawilachchiya in the Anuradhapura District. This is the area where farmers were murdered during the Civil War and the villages undergo severe difficulties as wild elephants are invading their areas regularly. Even though the wildlife officers were instructed earlier to set up an emergency commanding Centre in this regard, no steps […]

One WASH program in Uganda Promotion and establishment of dry compost toilets

• Establish demonstration sites and promote early adopters of Dry compost latrines in schools and communities • Train and equip local artisans and crafts persons in dry compost latrine, soap making, sanpats, etc. • Conduct Interactive community WASH radio programs. • Establishment of Urban sanitation task force in selected trading centres and towns • Training of WASH Committees and Water and Sanitation Boards (on District Level) • Promotion of Universal […]

Cost effectiveness analysis Compare the cost effectiveness of CBS to other sanitation

Used the CACTUS methodology to compare costs of CBS in Haiti, Ghana, Kenya, Peru and Madagascar. In partnership with EY.

Rural Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion in Nigeria (RUSHPIN) This ground-breaking 5-year initiative transformed the health of 1.2 million people in over 1,200 communities in Cross River and Benue states. The Programme was implemented in partnership with the federal, state & local governments, and civil society.

The aim of the programme was to significantly increase sanitation coverage and attain a positive and sustained hygiene behavioural change in six Local Government Areas (LGAs), three in each of the two participating states (Cross River and Benue). These six LGAs were funded directly through the WSSCC’s / Global Sanitation Fund (GSF). In addition, the Government committed to i) at the federal level, provide matching […]

Evaluated behaviour change interventions for WaSH & environmental improvements in the Rohingya refugee response, Bangladesh A pilot project in the refugee camps aimed to enhance behaviour change in Rohingya communities through systematic behaviour change interventions. The interventions were tailored to the assessed behavioural drivers of the Rohingya communities and proven to

Assess current practices and the behavioural factors determining these practices (12 different WASH behaviours). Design, implement, and evaluate systematic behaviour change strategies to promote safe behaviours.



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